Shapewear from SPAPELLX Suitable for All Women

Shapewear from Shapellx

What we wear should make us appear more confident. In any condition and at any time, a woman's confidence will increase when she wears clothes that match her skin colour. More importantly, when we are travelling to various places, we definitely need clothes that do not make us hot. Especially for underwear, it is necessary to use underwear with soft materials and keep the body cool.

Shapewear from SPAPELLX Suitable for All Women

Maybe my friends are still unfamiliar with SHAPELLX products. This is an underwear product with various types and sizes. The good thing is, SHAPELLX products use the best quality materials so that those who wear them will feel comfortable and at home.

Here are some recommended models of SHAPELLX products:

1. Best Shapewear

Best shapewear

On a long trip, we definitely have to wear clothes that are very comfortable. For that, the best shapewear product is highly recommended, so the trip will be fun.

This best shapewear product is also not only suitable for those of us who are fond of travelling, but also for workers who have a full day of meetings and meeting clients.

2. Tummy Shapewear

Tummy shapewear

This underwear also helps to shape the body to be slim and smooth. So that Tummy Shapewear becomes the target of many women.

By wearing Tummy Shapewear, clothes will fit our body. Well, for those who like to travel and want to wear their favourite OOTD, it is highly recommended to wear this underwear from SPAPELLX. It's sure to be a pleasant trip, the photos will also be very good.

3. Shapewear With Butt Lifter

Shaper with butt lifter

When we like things fast, including changing our underwear, Shapewear With Butt Lifter is the right choice. This product is specially designed with layers and strengthens the contours of the abdomen. It keeps the muscles tight and can lift the buttocks.

Shapewear With Butt Lifter can be used daily for any activity. From work, vacation, even dates with loved ones. The design of this product is designed to be very friendly to women's very sensitive skin.


Daily activities sometimes make us uncomfortable with what we wear. Especially during long trips. So it is highly recommended to wear shapewear that not only provides comfort but also adds confidence. Well, for friends who want to buy it, just rush up the best products from SHAPELLX.


  1. Waah bener banget nih mbak. Pakai baju tidak hanya yang bikin kita nyaman tapi juga bikin percaya diri. Pakai shapewear gini bisa nambah percaya diri ya karena kelihatan lebih slim.

  2. Choosing the right yet comfy shape wear is not easy. I've tried some kind of shape wear once and I know it could be a little bit difficult to find the right one fit to my body shape and comfy to wear for hours.

  3. Lumayan bisa memperbaiki postur tubuh ya ini kalau dipakai sehari-hari.. :D

  4. The older I get, the bigger my stomach gets. The great thing is that there is this solution, by using Tummy Shapewear, clothes will fit perfectly on the body. So it's comfortable when traveling or when I want to wear my favorite OOTD

  5. Perempuan akan lebih percaya diri dengan penampilannya yang lebih langsing dan singset menggunakan shapeware dari ShapellX ini ya mbak. Variasi model dan warnanya juga cantik2. Kalau aku pilih warna hitam saja deh dengan butt lifter sepertinya menarik banget :D

  6. Aku jadi pengen punya deh hehehe, karena kalau buat dalaman pakaian membentuk badan jadi lebih bagus, torso tubuh kita terlihat pas gitu. Aku pengen yang warna hitam

  7. Kalau pakai shapewear begini badan memang terlihat lebih bagus yaa apalagi buat yang badannya berisi

  8. Kabita sama yang tummy shapeware... Supaya engga cape nahan napas ngumpetin perut buncit, hihihi...

  9. Shapelix ini tampak nyaman dan bahannya juga enak dipakai sepertinya. Bisa lebih terlihat ramping kayanya kalau pakai ini.

  10. Cakep banget sih shapewear ini
    Aku jadi pengen punya
    Biar badan makin kelihatan sexy ya

  11. Punya shapewear gini paling enak dipakai pas lagi memakai baju kyk kebaya atar dress buat pesta gtu jadi bisa membuat tubuh tampak padat dan lekukan yang perfect serasa masih muda hehe :D Tapi buat harian juga oke sih yaa.
    Jadi pengen punya juga nih mbak ;D

  12. Huaaa.. Ternyata ada ya yang ukuran gede banget. Memang ukurannya untuk ujuran body2 bule sih ya.. Jadi model saya cocoknya cari ukuran bule.. Xixixi..

  13. SHAPELLX shapes the perfect body and boost self-confidence. Must have a few pieces to use every day. Looks good on every ootd.

  14. Shapewear sekarang banyak banget jenisnya. Aku pengen pakai kalau berkebaya. Jadi lebih bentuk gitu kan badannya. Lebih bagus kalau dilihat

  15. Shapellex boleh juga nih untuk rekomendasi pakaian dalam membuat lemak lemak bahagia menghilang karena bahannya yang nge pas di badan

  16. Sekarang mau terlihat langsing ada banyak caranya, salah satunya penggunaan produk shape wear. Bisa menunjang bentuk tubuh yang lebih nyaman

  17. Ahhaaa ini yg saya butuhkan untuk menekan sedikit perut saya yg menggelambir biar nampak sedikit langsing. Pakai shapewear ini mungkin akan mengubah penampilan gendut menjadi sedikit kurang gendut.

  18. ini cocok nih untuk emak2 kayak aku. membantu banget untuk menjaga bentuk tubuh apalagi saat ada acara formal kayak wisuda jadi pakaian yang kita pakai terlihat fit


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